
I feel betrayed

 I mean betrayed in almost the worst way... emotionally. He cares about his ex-wife's feelings over mine! So what had happened is that his ex wife, her husband, and the kids were in somewhat close proximity of my husband's parents house this weekend. Keep in mind there is A LOT of history here and they have expressed that they don't really care for her and there is no close previous relationship being that everyone was in different states for years (my husband was closer to his ex-wive's family than she was to his). I'm not sure how this happened (husband's dad drank to much and actually responded to one of her text messages) they went to  my husband's parents house. It would be fine if she dropped the kids off to spend time with their grandparent's, but she spent time with her ex-in-laws. They had lunch and went on a hike. This is just weird to me. How does her husband feel about this? How awkward? Crossing boundaries? Mind you when my husband goes to d